If there aren’t many ‘safe spots’ in the rule of six then stick to the edges.The Small Memetic Algorithm Bank & Small Emission Scope Sharpener rigs are useful to have.Bring a cargo scanner, unless you just want practice then a piece of Carbon is not good loot.If you are trying to hack a Ghost Site, check out the Eve Uni guide first.Failing the second destroys the can, and loot.

You get two attempts unless it is a Ghost Site.If there’s anything spooky on dscan you can always cloak up. Always keep at range 2,500m from the can.This is also great for me since I’ll get a nicer killmail when I pod you 😉 Throw in the Poteque ‘Prospector’ Environmental Analysis EY-1005 too for 10 more health if you want to min-max. A properly fit Astero or Cov-Ops with this setup will blitz any hacking task with 60 strength and 110 coherence. With the combined Zeugma analyzer you can use this bonus in relic sites, too. Now data sites are definitely a bit ‘meh’, but there’s a way around that. It will increase your data analyser strength by 20 and decrease your coherence (health) by 40. The Blackglass implant costs roughly 50m ISK and is rather special in that it behaves rather differently to almost any other implant in the game by having a drawback. It’s also worth noting that the most likely system core location is about as far from your start point as possible go check over there. If you don’t find one then start branching off and checking out places where your little minesweeper distance notification is 1 (the numbers that pop up are the distance to anything, good or bad). The tactic is to plot a route through each of these safe spots, looking for a defensive subsystem. A safe spot looks like the image on the right, essentially any node with six others surrounding it. The rule of six is such that if any “safe spot” has a defensive subsystem then the core must be one jump away. I’m not 100% sure if it comes originally from Crasskitty, but she has an excellent video on the topic. One of these is the commonly quoted ‘ Rule of Six’. It’s a simple game to understand with a few niche tips and tricks to really get the most out of it. There are defensive subsystems that try to block you and positive utilities that will help you. If you’ve never done this before then the general idea is that you want to click to step through each node in search of the system core. If you’re in a rush then skim through for the key bold text and reference tables.
#Black omega security skillplan how to
Instead, it is more of a complementary piece that explains how to actually use the numbers found in that sheet. As before, this is also not a replacement for Rykkis Guide ( or Karr’s updated version). If the words ‘static’ and ‘probe launcher’ seem foreign then you best start with EVE Uni first. You can often earn more with better skills, more investment, luck etc. **C4 sites can be ran using these methods for less ISK *Abyssal sites included as they’re easily done inside your wormhole If that isn’t what you’re here for then go ahead and click on the appropriate title in the table below for the article on that method. Part two here we go! This time the focus is on making ISK with Data and Relic sites with a side dish of Planetary Interaction.